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Breast Reduction Brisbane

Many women face a daily struggle with the size and weight of their breasts. Women with naturally large breasts often face skin irritation, difficulty exercising, and general discomfort. Additionally, excessive weight on the chest can cause severe upper back, neck, and shoulder pain.

Also known as:

Women may wish to reduce the size of their breasts for aesthetic or health reasons. Undergoing breast reduction surgery will instantly allow you more freedom in your clothes, alleviate pain, as well as make exercise and activities easier.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery, also known as mammoplasty, is a commonly performed breast surgery. It will reduce the size of your breasts while at the same time lifting and improving their shape. A mammoplasty removes excess breast tissue and skin and repositions the nipple to the middle of the breast. It then elevates and reshapes the breast tissue before fixing it in its new position on the chest wall. Your breast surgeon will work to achieve a breast size and shape that is in better proportion to your body. This will help reduce pain, improve posture, and increase your overall comfort.

Breast Reduction with Dr Broadhurst

“I pride myself on the individual care and support I provide each of my patients. From your first consultation, I will work one-on-one with you to tailor a treatment plan to suit your body.”

Meet Dr Broadhurst


Your Initial Consultation

Your initial consultation with Dr Andrew Broadhurst will be virtual via FaceTime. Dr Broadhurst will ask you questions about your medical history and discuss any pregnancy plans. Due to the personal nature of this process, we will also need to discuss your breast concerns and what you hope to achieve. This will help your breast surgeon develop a treatment plan and outline what you can expect after your surgery.

Your Second Consultation

You will see Dr Broadhurst for a second consultation. This will be face to face at one of our Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay, or Bundaberg locations. The discussion will ensure you have a complete understanding of the procedure and give you the opportunity to ask any further questions.

Dr Broadhurst welcomes any questions or concerns you have regarding your breast surgery. He is highly knowledgeable, and you can feel at peace knowing he’ll provide you with specialised care throughout the entire process.


What to expect during your procedure?

A breast reduction surgery is performed as day surgery under general anaesthetic. The process takes roughly 1.5 to two hours, depending on the complexity of your surgery. Dr Broadhurst makes careful incisions and removes excess breast tissue and skin. He will then use the remaining breast tissue to reshape a more ideal breast shape and size.

The nipple will remain attached to your breast throughout surgery so as to not interfere with nipple sensation and the ability to breastfeed. However, patients who need a massive reduction may require a nipple-areolar graft. This is where the surgeon completely removes the nipple from the breast and surgically attaches it once the breast has been reduced. Your surgeon will then close your incisions and apply dressings. Some patients may have both internal dissolving sutures and skin staples.

Depending on the extent of your physical activity, you should fully recover within one to two weeks.

Incisions & Scarring

The location of your incisions will depend on the size and shape of your breasts, the amount of skin and tissue to be removed, and the advice of Dr Broadhurst. Scars may fade over time but will never completely disappear. Different incision methods may be used to reduce your breasts, including:

Lollipop Lift

The lollipop lift method, also known as “vertical breast reduction,” involves two incisions. The surgeon makes one incision around the areolar and one from the bottom of the areolar to the natural breast crease (infra-mammary fold). This type of incision is so named because it resembles a lollipop. The benefit of this technique is that scars are modest as well as easily hidden.

Anchor Lift

This method is the most common and involves three incisions. The first is around the areolar. The second runs vertically down from the lower edge of the areolar to the crease under the breast, and the third is made horizontally along the natural curve of the breast crease. This technique is ideal for women with significant drooping or sagging of the breasts.

Before & After

Whilst this breast reduction surgery has a high patient satisfaction rate, it may not be suited to everyone. Before deciding to undergo surgery, you should discuss your concerns with a qualified surgeon to ensure you are a good candidate. Additionally, you may be advised to follow instructions before your breast surgery to reduce risks and help your body prepare. For example, you may need to:

  • Refrain from smoking
  • Avoid taking aspirin and other blood-thinning medicines
  • Not apply lotions or perfumes right before your surgery
  • Follow instructions about when to stop eating and drinking
  • Make sure you have someone to drive you home
  • Understand the risks and benefits of your mammoplasty

After your breast reduction surgery, your breast area will need time to recover and settle into its new position. This means you will be able to fully enjoy your results a few weeks after surgery. Your breasts will then feel lighter, firmer, and smaller. The smaller size can have a number of benefits, including:

  • Improved symmetry
  • More even breast and nipple size
  • A firmer and more raised breast appearance
  • Improved posture
  • Less shoulder, back, and neck pain
  • Increased comfort when playing sports

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Brisbane?

When considering any breast surgery, the cost is often an important factor. When researching the cost of a breast reduction surgery in Brisbane, you may find that costs vary widely. This is due to a number of variables, such as the nature of the procedure and the expertise of the breast surgeon. Dr Broadhurst can discuss these variables with you prior to your mammoplasty. Pricing will often depend on the following factors:

  • The extent of the reduction
  • The complexity of the surgery
  • Incision methods used
  • Post-operative care
  • The qualifications of your surgeon
  • Facility fees
  • Medication costs

If you suit certain criteria, Medicare may help cover some of the cost. If your breast size creates significant issues such as back and neck pain, Medicare may provide a rebate to help subsidise your final cost. Dr Broadhurst will answer any questions you may have about cost during your consultation.


Recovery After Surgery

Whilst results are immediately visible, you will need to take appropriate care of your incision sites post-surgery. Straight after your breast reduction surgery, patients can expect:

  • Some pain and discomfort
  • Swelling and bruising around the breasts
  • Wound dressings and bandages
  • Possible numbness
  • Visibly smaller and more lifted breasts

After your breast reduction surgery, your body will need a recovery period in order to heal properly. Dr Broadhurst will give you specific aftercare instructions in order to help you take care of your operated area. The area may remain swollen, bruised, and sensitive for a few days to a week afterwards. Gradually, the swelling will reduce and the area will heal. Most patients can return to work after two to three weeks but should refrain from heavy exercise for six weeks.

It may take up to 18 months for the scarring to fade and become faint. It is important to follow your aftercare instructions to achieve minimal scarring and optimal recovery. You may need to:

  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise
  • Wear a compression garment
  • Apply or take medications to reduce the risk of infection
  • Refrain from smoking
  • Avoid underwire bras

Procedure Risks & Complications

Dr Broadhurst uses trusted surgical methods to achieve great results for patients. However, all surgeries come with some degree of risk. It is therefore important to be aware of the risks and complications before your mammoplasty procedure. This will allow you to make a fully informed decision and weigh the risks and benefits. Risks of breast reduction surgery can include:

  • Bleeding and infection
  • Changes in skin sensation
  • Temporary or permanent numbness
  • Asymmetrical, poor or prominent scaring
  • Asymmetry in size and shape
  • Asymmetry in nipple position
  • Difficulty or inability to breastfeed
  • Further surgery to address complications
  • Anaesthesia risks
  • Changes in skin colour
  • Damage to blood vessels, muscles, or nerves
  • Nipple/areolar necrosis
  • Nipple asymmetry
  • Nipple shape (tear drop/projection)
  • Altered nipple sensation
  • Areolar size
  • Dog ears
  • Skin and fat necrosis
  • Axilary tail fullness
  • Breast cancer
  • Poor wound healing needing dressings
  • Over or under reduction

Whilst these side effects are rare, they can occur in some cases. Taking enough time to rest and recover will help reduce your risks as well as encourage a good result. If you notice any severe side effects following your breast reduction surgery, seek medical attention or contact us as needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate?

Ideal candidates for breast reduction surgery are usually in good health, not pregnant or breastfeeding, and are seeking to reduce or lift naturally large breasts. Breast reduction patients often seek surgery due to discomfort caused by a large amount of weight on the chest area. They often report back pain, neck pain, issues with poor posture, and difficulty exercising. The surgery can relieve these issues and help women to be more comfortable and confident in their breasts. A consultation with Dr Broadhurst in Brisbane will help determine if this procedure is right for you.

Will I need anaesthesia?

Yes, your breast reduction surgery will be performed under general anaesthesia. This will depend on the extent of the reduction, as discussed in your initial appointment. In any case, you may need to have a brief stay in the hospital and should make sure you have someone there to get you home safely.

Will I have scarring?

Patients can expect to have some scarring after their mammoplasty procedure. The location of your incisions will depend on the size and shape of your breasts, the amount of skin and tissue to be removed, and the advice of Dr Broadhurst. Scars may fade over time but will never completely disappear.

Taking good care of your incisions during recovery will help promote wound healing and reduce scarring. Dr Broadhurst uses the best methods to minimise scarring for an aesthetically pleasing result. You will also be provided with silicone gel that can be applied once our nurses have reviewed you at 2 weeks post surgery.

When will I see results?

Results are immediate, meaning the change in your breast size and shape is usually noticeable straight away. However, your breasts will likely be swollen and sore, which may make them appear larger than you hoped. This is only a temporary effect, and once the swelling subsides, you will be able to experience the full results of your breast reduction surgery. This may take several weeks.

Will I need revision surgery?

Following a breast reduction surgery, patients usually recover well and are happy with their results. However, revision surgery may be needed in some cases to correct minor issues. In extreme cases, patients can require further surgery to address a severe complication, but this is very rare. If you are concerned about the results of your breast revision surgery, you are welcome to contact us.

How long will results last?

Breast reduction surgery is designed to produce permanent results. This means when breast tissue and skin are removed, they are gone for good. However, your results can be affected by lifestyle changes such as weight gain, weight loss, and hormonal changes.

Will breast reduction affect my ability to breastfeed?

Due to the advanced surgical methods used, it is unlikely that this process will affect your ability to breastfeed. However, there is a risk that surgery could interfere to some extent. Patients should note that some women struggle to breastfeed regardless of whether they have had breast surgery in the past.