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Post Pregnancy Surgery – Combination Breast Augmentation Mastopexy with Abdominoplasty Brisbane

Pregnancy can cause many changes to a woman’s body. Breasts can gain and lose volume due to milk production, causing them to stretch. A woman’s body may never return to its pre-pregnancy state by natural means, and for this reason, Brisbane plastic surgeon Dr Andrew Broadhurst performs abdominoplasty and breast surgery (Post Pregnancy Surgery) as a combined procedure.

Breast surgery can include breast reduction mammoplasty, breast lift (mastopexy), breast augmentation mammoplasty, and breast implant revision. The advantage of having Post Pregnancy Surgery is that both procedures are performed together during a single operation. This allows us to address more than one issue at once and reduces the recovery time. Dr Broadhurst recommends waiting at least six months after your last child before seeking plastic surgery. It is also vital to ensure you have finished breastfeeding for at least six months prior to surgery.

What are the benefits?

Many women notice changes in their bodies after pregnancy. Although these changes are a natural part of childrearing, some women choose to undergo surgery to address cosmetic concerns and correct muscle separation. Post Pregnancy Surgery is a common surgery after childbirth. It has tightening effects on areas that have been changed during pregnancy. The benefits of this surgery include:

  • Less excess skin and fat on the lower torso
  • Repair abdominal muscles
  • Can repair or improve the function of muscles
  • Corrects structural issues in the abdomen
  • Reduce or increase breast volume

Each patient will see slightly different benefits and results. You should not seek body contouring surgery to act in the place of a healthy diet and exercise. Rather, it can suit women who want to address loose skin and fat tissue that cannot be removed by natural means. Potential patients are non-smokers and have kept a stable weight for the past three months.

Post Pregnancy Surgery with Dr Broadhurst

“I pride myself on the individual care and support I provide each of my patients. From your first consultation, I will work one-on-one with you to tailor a treatment plan to suit your body.”

Meet Dr Broadhurst


Your Initial Consultation

Before your Post Pregnancy Surgery, you will need to have an initial meeting via FaceTime. This appointment will help us find out if you are a good candidate and clarify your goals for surgery. Dr Broadhurst will ask questions about your medical history and assess your body to pinpoint the exact areas of skin and fat. You will discuss your specific concerns about your body as well as the outcomes you wish to gain from your breast and abdominal procedures. You should also bring up any past health issues, current medicines, and any past surgeries you have had. We will then be able to create a path for treatment that is suited to your needs. We can also outline what you can expect after the surgery and in the recovery period.

Your Second Consultation

Your second consult will be face to face at one of our Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Hervey Bay, or Bundaberg locations. During this appointment, we will discuss your surgery in detail to ensure you are fully informed and confirm any final details. We will outline what needs to be done before and after the surgery so that you know what to expect.

Dr Broadhurst is here to answer any questions you may have. Ask our team any questions or concerns, no matter how big or small. Dr Broadhurst has extensive knowledge and experience in plastic surgery and will provide you with all the essential details for your postpartum surgery.


What to expect during your procedure?

Post Pregnancy Surgery is performed under a general anaesthetic in a hospital. The surgery will normally take between three and five hours, depending on which breast surgery option you choose. The most common breast surgery options are breast reduction mammoplasty and breast augmentation mammoplasty. Women who have had a caesarean birth also may choose to undergo a scar revision.

Breast Treatments

Mastopexy (Breast Lift)

This removes excess skin and reshapes the breast tissue while raising the nipples and breasts. It tightens the breast skin to reduce laxity.

Breast Augmentation Mammoplasty

The treatment increases the size of the breasts using implants. Dr Andrew Broadhurst will recommend breast implant style and size depending on your body shape.

Breast Reduction Mammoplasty

This reduces the size of the breasts to help make them proportionate to your body. It can also reduce back and shoulder pain caused by heavy breasts.

Breast Implant Revision

The surgery replaces old breast implants with new ones. Although many patients need this for health reasons, some women choose to replace their implants due to wanting a different shape or size.

Body Treatments

Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck)

This removes excess skin and fat from the abdominal region. This surgery also tightens the abdominal muscles to improve their function and restore separated muscles after pregnancy.

Body contouring after pregnancy is different for every patient. As a result, the exact surgical methods will depend on your needs and goals, in line with the issues discussed leading up to your surgery.

How Much Does Post Pregnancy Surgery Cost in Brisbane?

The cost of post-pregnancy body surgery can vary depending on the specifics of your procedure. We take a number of factors into account when calculating costs. This includes hospital and surgeon fees, anaesthetist fees. Women who are having breast augmentation mammoplasty or implant replacement will also need to pay for their implants. Since every patient has different needs, the costs can vary widely from patient to patient.

Most patients have Post Pregnancy Surgery for aesthetic reasons. In such cases, patients will not be able to receive a Medicare rebate. However, if surgery is needed due to mastectomy, tuberous breasts, or other deformities, and if the patient meets the specific criteria, Medicare may cover part of the cost. This will depend on your personal circumstances. We can answer any questions you may have about costs during your initial appointment.


Post Pregnancy Surgery Recovery

After your procedure, your surgeon will bandage the incisions. He may also place tubes under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid. Patients may stay in hospital for one or two days, depending on their progress. After your hospital stay, patients should arrange for someone to take them home.

Surgery after pregnancy requires incisions in multiple areas. This means it is vital to take proper care of your body afterwards. Your surgeon will give you tailored instructions for how to care for your incisions during recovery to prevent infection. It is important to follow these instructions, as this will help you through your recovery. The recovery time after Post Pregnancy Surgery is around four to six weeks. During this time, you may find it difficult to use your abdominal muscles, even for simple tasks. We advise getting someone to help manage lifting and other tasks around the home, as well as caring for small children. It is a good idea to prepare your bed with extra pillows to make sure your body gets adequate support.

We can prescribe pain medication to help you manage any swelling and discomfort. You should avoid putting strain on your body, particularly in the first couple of weeks after your post-pregnancy surgery. Swelling and tenderness should settle after about two weeks. You will then be able to get back to work, provided your work does not involve strenuous movement. After six weeks, you should be able to return to all of your previous physical activities and resume your normal routines.

Procedure Risks & Complications

Although this is a common surgery after childbirth with a high rate of success, it does come with some risks. You should ensure you are knowledgeable about the risks involved before seeking Post Pregnancy Surgery. Mild side effects are a common consequence of surgery and should be expected. For example, you may have some pain, swelling, and bruising around your incision areas. Your stomach and breasts may appear larger than you had hoped, but this should only be temporary.

More severe side effects are less common but can sometimes occur. These rare complications can include:


  • Bleeding and infection
  • Haematoma
  • Seroma
  • Necrosis
  • Slow healing
  • Wound breakdown
  • Persistent pain and discomfort
  • Muscle soreness
  • DVT/PE (blood clots)
  • Reactions to anaesthetic
  • Numbness in the area
  • Damage to nerves or blood vessels
  • Heart or lung problems
  • Persisting stretch marks
  • Prominent scar
  • Change in skin sensation
  • Skin irregularities (dog ears)
  • Malposition of umbilicus (belly button)
  • Fat necrosis
  • Suture irritation/reaction
  • Pubic hair may be elevated higher than before surgery
  • Increases risk in some groups e.g diabetic, chronic disease
  • Swelling/bruising
  • Death

Breast Surgery

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Seroma
  • Poor wound healing
  • Suture reaction
  • DVT/PE (blood clots)
  • Unfavourable scarring
  • Reactions to anaesthesia
  • Implant rupture
  • Capsular contracture
  • Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
  • Areola size
  • Nipple/areola necrosis
  • Asymmetry in nipple position
  • Skin/fat necrosis
  • Altered nipple sensation
  • Nipple shape (tear drop/projection)
  • Breast Feeding
  • Axillary tail fullness
  • Asymmetrical, poor or prominent scarring
  • Breast cancer
  • Reduced skin sensation
  • Damage to nerves or blood vessels
  • Persistent pain
  • Unwanted result
  • Death
  • Further surgery to correct complications

To avoid issues, it is best for patients to finish having children before seeking this procedure. This is because further pregnancies after a Post Pregnancy Surgery can stretch the skin and reverse your results or lead to complications. You can also avoid risks by refraining from smoking and eating healthily in the weeks leading up to your surgery. This will help your body to heal properly. Following this, adhering to your aftercare instructions can also aid the healing process and prevent issues from arising.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I a good candidate for a Post Pregnancy Surgery?

Many women choose to undergo body contouring after pregnancy. Good candidates are generally women who are physically healthy and have maintained a stable weight for at least three months. Postpartum surgery is not a weight loss procedure, but a method of reducing excess skin and fat that naturally occurs after pregnancy.

Ideally, you should be done having children before having this surgery. This is because further pregnancies can stretch the skin around the abdomen and breasts again, potentially undoing the results. It may also lead you to seek further skin tightening surgeries in the future, which will only increase costs over time. Revision surgeries also come with a higher risk of complications.

How soon after childbirth can I have a Post Pregnancy Surgery?

Generally, mothers should wait at least six months after childbirth to have this procedure. However, you may need to wait longer if the birth involved a cesarian section or other surgeries, as your body will need time to heal. You should also wait at least three months after finishing breastfeeding.

Is Post Pregnancy Surgery just for mothers?

No. Although Post Pregnancy Surgery is a common surgery after childbirth, the procedures involved can benefit a variety of people. It can be suitable for any woman seeking to address their breast and abdomen areas after extensive weight loss.

Which procedures are included in a Post Pregnancy Surgery?

A Post Pregnancy Surgery involves more than one surgery, performed on the same day. It usually involves a an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and a breast procedure. Breast surgery options include mastopexy (lift), augmentation, reduction mammoplasty, or revision. You will discuss which procedures are an option for you during your initial appointment.

How long is the hospital stay?

Most patients will need to stay in the hospital overnight. You will be able to go home after one or two days, depending on how well your body responds to surgery.

What results can I expect?

Depending on your specific procedures, you may be able to see results straight away. However, it will take a while for your swelling and bruising to subside. This means it may take several weeks to see the full results of your Post Pregnancy Surgery. Additionally, scars can take longer than this to fade to their final light tone.